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Taiwan young agricultural ambassadors to visit Thailand, Malaysia

Deputy Foreign Minister Tien Chung-kwang offers motivational words to Taiwan’s young agricultural ambassadors during a ceremony Aug. 21 in Taipei City. (MOFA)

Deputy Foreign Minister Tien Chung-kwang offers motivational words to Taiwan’s young agricultural ambassadors during a ceremony Aug. 21 in Taipei City. (MOFA)

Two groups of young agricultural ambassadors from Taiwan will visit Thailand and Malaysia starting Aug. 26 and Sept. 1, respectively, under the government’s Young Agricultural Ambassadors New Southbound Policy Exchange Program, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During a flag presentation ceremony held Aug. 21 in Taipei City, Deputy Foreign Minister Tien Chung-kwang said Thailand and Malaysia are both key NSP partner countries. Taiwan has been implementing cooperative projects with Thailand’s Royal Project Foundation for 50 years, and the Malaysian government has highlighted agricultural transition as a priority in its Twelfth Malaysia Plan, he added.

Tien anticipated that the 24 delegates would gain a better understanding of the two countries’ agricultural developments while helping expand bilateral exchanges and identifying opportunities for future cooperation. He also encouraged them to make the most of their skills and knowledge to advance Taiwan’s international endeavors in line with MOFA Minister Lin Chia-lung’s integrated diplomacy approach.

Also speaking at the event were Aznifah Ghani, president of the Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre, and Narong Boonsatheanwong, executive director of the Thailand Trade and Economic Office, who both praised the success of the people-centered NSP in deepening exchanges. They warmly welcomed the upcoming group visits and wished participants success in their missions.

Jointly launched by the MOFA and the Ministry of Agriculture in 2017, the young ambassador project has sent 114 tertiary students from Taiwan to India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. The NSP seeks to enhance Taiwan’s agricultural, business, cultural, education, tourism and trade ties with the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states, six South Asian countries, Australia and New Zealand. (SFC-E)