New Southbound Policy Portal

Taiwan Apple Theatre Leads Singapore Children on An Amazing Journey


Representative Francis Kuo-Hsin Liang (center) with the cast of “An Amazing Journey”, a Taiwan-Singapore joint production by the Arts Theatre of Singapore and the Taiwan Apple Theatre.


On 15 April 2018, Representative Francis Kuo-Hsin Liang hosted a theatre play entitled “The Amazing Journey” for friends and personalities from Singapore’s education sector.  Over 400 persons attended the Taiwan-Singapore joint production by the Arts Theatre of Singapore and the Taiwan Apple Theatre.

This is the first time the 63-year-old Arts Theatre of Singapore is working with the Taiwan Apple Theatre.  The Singapore performers had earlier visited Taiwan for training while the performers from the Taiwan Apple Theatre arrived in Singapore on 2 April for intensive practice and rehearsal sessions.     The fruit of their labors, “An Amazing Journey”, attracted an audience of close to 4000 persons for its nine performances which started on 11 April 2018.  This success augurs well for future collaboration and co-creation projects between the Arts Theatre of Singapore and the Taiwan Apple Theatre.