Minister of Health of Tuvalu Satini Manuella endorses Taiwan’s participation in the WHA.
As the 71st World Health Assembly continues in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 21 to 26, the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) thanks Eswatini, the Marshall Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Solomon Islands for endorsing Taiwan’s participation in the WHA during the two-on-two debates held at the WHA General Committee and Plenary Session. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) conveys its appreciation to 17 diplomatic allies, six like-minded countries, and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta—an observer of the World Health Organization—for having directly or indirectly expressed support for Taiwan’s participation during the WHA Plenary Session. The live streaming of delegates from these nations speaking up for Taiwan has allowed people around the world to witness their solemn appeals to include Taiwan in the WHA. MOFA thanks its diplomatic allies and like-minded nations for their calls for justice for the people of Taiwan.
Minister of Health of Saint Christopher and Nevis Eugene Hamilton endorses Taiwan’s participation in the WHA.
Minister of Public Health and Population of Haiti Marie Greta Roy Clement endorses Taiwan’s participation in the WHA.
In order of speaking, the WHO members and observers that have expressed direct or indirect support for Taiwan at the WHA are Canada, Germany, Honduras, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, the United States, Tuvalu, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, Kiribati, Paraguay, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Nicaragua, Eswatini, Solomon Islands, Haiti, the Marshall Islands, Saint Lucia, Nauru, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Palau, and Malta. This is the first time that Malta has spoken in favor of Taiwan; it referred to medical cooperation between the two countries at both the WHA Plenary Session and Committee B meeting.
Secretary General of the Ministry of Health of Nicaragua Carlos Saenz Torres endorses Taiwan’s participation in the WHA.
MOFA sincerely thanks its diplomatic allies and like-minded countries for their longstanding support for Taiwan’s participation in international organizations and their assistance to Taiwan in expanding its international presence. To ensure global health security, Taiwan will continue to take a professional, pragmatic, and constructive approach to engaging in close cooperation with diplomatic allies and like-minded nations.
Minister of Health and Wellness of Saint Lucia Mary Isaac endorses Taiwan’s participation in the WHA.
During the debate at the WHA Plenary Session, China’s delegate inappropriately cited UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, WHA Resolution 25.1, and the “one China principle” in his rebuttal, and made the false claims that Taiwan has full access to information on disease prevention and is represented at virtually every WHO technical meeting. Taiwan can only express outrage and regret at these outright lies, spoken during the world’s most prestigious international medical forum. MOFA seriously condemns and protests mainland China’s repeated attempts at deception at the WHA.
Ambassador Marie-Therese Pictet-Althann of the Permanent Mission of Malta to the UN endorses Taiwan’s participation in the WHA.
The R.O.C. government reiterates that only the democratically elected government of Taiwan can represent its 23 million people and be responsible for safeguarding their right to health. MOFA urges WHO to firmly observe its founding principle and safeguard the health of all peoples by accepting Taiwan’s equal and dignified participation, and work together to attain health for all and ensure a seamless global health security network. (E)
Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Luke Browne endorses Taiwan’s participation in the WHA.