New Southbound Policy Portal

Foreign Minister Wu lauds robust Taiwan-US ties in TRA40

Taiwan-U.S. relations are going from strength to strength on the basis of the TRA. (UDN)

Taiwan-U.S. relations are going from strength to strength on the basis of the TRA. (UDN)

The Taiwan Relations Act is an enduring statement of the core interests shared by Taiwan and the U.S., and one of the reasons for the country’s emergence as a global bastion of freedom, democracy and human rights, according to Minister of Foreign Affairs Jaushieh Joseph Wu.
In addition to serving as a blueprint for bilateral ties, the TRA allowed Taiwan to evolve into a cornerstone of the overall U.S. strategy in Asia, Wu said. The country is willing and able to share the responsibility of tackling common challenges and serving as a reliable and robust partner of the U.S. in building a free, open and prosperous Indo-Pacific, he added.
Wu’s remarks, contained in an op-ed published April 10 by USA Today, are part of a campaign by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs marking the 40th anniversary of the TRA.
According to Wu, Taiwan is standing shoulder to shoulder with like-minded partners around the world in defending shared values. This is taking place at a time when the country is facing a coordinated campaign of coercion by China, he said.
Irrespective of this relentless effort to threaten Taiwan economically, militarily and strangle its international space, Wu said, President Tsai Ing-wen is rock solid on a commitment to engaging in constructive dialogue and exchanges with China as long as the people’s democratic way of life remains uncompromised.
Wu said recent examples of robust Taiwan-U.S. relations include a raft of events organized under the joint Global Cooperation and Training Framework, as well as initiatives like the Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultations and the Civil Society Dialogue on Securing Religions Freedom in the Indo-Pacific Region.
These farsighted and progressive platforms underscore the inherent trust between Taiwan and the U.S., and open the door to even greater collaboration across an array of potential-laden fields, Wu said. (SFC-E)