New Southbound Policy Portal

MOHW Deputy Minister Lee to lead Taiwan’s WHA75 observer status bid delegation to Geneva

Deputy Health Minister Li-Feng Lee will lead Taiwan’s World Health Assembly observer status bid delegation to Geneva as part of government efforts showcasing the country’s standing as a responsible member of the international community committed to realizing the World Health Organization’s goal of Health For All.
The 75th edition of the WHA—the decision-making body of the WHO—is taking place May 22 to 28. It is the first physical gathering of the annual event attended by delegations from all WHO member states since the onset of COVID-19.
Lee and the delegation will share Taiwan’s experiences in combating coronavirus and other matters pertaining to managing communicable diseases with health officials from around the globe, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
Taiwan’s response to COVID-19 is widely recognized and warrants an invitation to attend the WHA as an observer, the MOFA said, citing recent remarks by Brian McKeon, deputy U.S. secretary of state for management and resources. During a meeting last month in Washington, McKeon urged WHO Secretary-General Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus to grant Taiwan WHA75 observer status, the ministry added.
Similar sentiments are also shared by the government of Japan and the parliaments of the EU, Denmark, Latvia and Slovakia, as well as the U.S. House of Representatives, the MOFA said. Such staunch support is sincerely appreciated, and invigorates Taiwan’s efforts to continue working with fellow forces for good in securing a voice for the country in the activities, mechanisms and meetings of the WHO, the ministry added.
The government is leaving no stone unturned in demonstrating Taiwan Can Help strengthen global health, the MOFA said, adding that one of the most recent is the short film “Sweetness of Friendship” released May 2 to much acclaim.
Shot on location in Africa, the ministry said, the heartwarming short documents the selfless sacrifices of Taiwan doctors and medical mission personnel in saving lives and keeping the U.N.’s promise to Leave No One Behind. (SFC-E)
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