Taiwan moved up three places from last year to eighth out of 64 major economies in the World Digital Competitiveness Ranking recently released by Switzerland-based International Institute for Management Development.
Taiwan moved up three places from last year to eighth out of 64 major economies in the World Digital Competitiveness Ranking recently released by Switzerland-based International Institute for Management Development.
As the Taiwan-Malaysia Joint Online Shopping Festival, Taiwan Select & Malaysia Select 2021 will start from October 1st for 10 days event, the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and the co-organizer, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) invite supporting partners, including the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and the General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China (ROCCOC) joining the online launch ceremony on September 30th,
To encourage international professionals in the semiconductor industry and digital economy to join Taiwan's industrial workforce, the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) integrated its “DIGI+ Talent Accelerator & Jumpstart Program” and “Talent Circulation Alliance Program”, and joined hands with SEMI and American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) to organize “DIGI+ x TCA International Digital Talent Matching” online event on September 17, 2021.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Wednesday raised its forecast for Taiwan’s 2021 gross domestic product growth to 6.2 percent, saying that the country’s economic momentum is expected to continue into the second half of the year.
The Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) hosted the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) webinar Promoting Trade by Using Digital Technology on 14 September, and there were over 200 attendees from public and private sectors from all APEC member economies and APEC Business Advisory Council.
The Department of Industrial Technology (DoIT) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) is supporting the commencement of cooperation between ITRI, the AI on Chip Taiwan Alliance (AITA), and the UCLA Center for Heterogeneous Integration and Performance Scaling (CHIPS).
Taiwan is a hub for global semiconductor manufacturing. To promote local IC design startups, the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) is supporting ITRI and Arm, a world leader in semiconductor IP design, in providing critical resources to make innovative IC design accessible to startups in the region through a new initiative called the IC Design Platform for Startups.
The 26th Taiwan-Australia Joint Energy and Minerals, Trade and Investment Cooperation Consultations was staged Sept. 7 via videoconference, spotlighting the like-minded partners’ commitment to fostering mutually beneficial ties, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Taiwan’s exports hit a new monthly high in August, marking the 14th consecutive month of year-on-year growth, driven by solid demand for tech items and raw materials, the Ministry of Finance said (MOF) Tuesday.
The Taiwan-Australia Hydrogen Trade and Investment Dialogue was hosted by Australian Office Taipei on July 29th, 2021 in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) to discuss development opportunities of low emission hydrogen energy technology between Taiwan and Australia. Australian Trade, Tourism, and Investment Minister Hon Dan Tehan and Taiwan MOEA Minister Wang, Mei-Hua were invited as honored guests and delivered opening speeches.