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MOFA welcomes visit of French delegation led by François de Rugy, former National Assembly President and current Chairman of the France-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship GroupPhotos - New Southbound Policy
Enlarge MOFA welcomes visit of French delegation led by François de Rugy, former National Assembly President and current Chairman of the France-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group Photos

MOFA welcomes visit of French delegation led by François de Rugy, former National Assembly President and current Chairman of the France-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group

François de Rugy, former President of the French National Assembly and current Chairman of the National Assembly’s France-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group, is leading a six-member cross-party delegation to Taiwan from December 15 to 19 at the invitation of the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

2021 Taiwan-US-Japan Trilateral Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue held in Taipei, conveying joint commitment to safeguarding democracy and freedomPhotos - New Southbound Policy
Enlarge 2021 Taiwan-US-Japan Trilateral Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue held in Taipei, conveying joint commitment to safeguarding democracy and freedom Photos

2021 Taiwan-US-Japan Trilateral Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue held in Taipei, conveying joint commitment to safeguarding democracy and freedom

The 11th annual Taiwan-US-Japan Trilateral Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue was held in Taipei on December 14, focusing on the theme of “Mapping the Democratic Agenda for the Next Generation.” The dialogue was coorganized by the Prospect Foundation, the Center for a New American Security, and the Japan Institute of International Affairs—think tanks from each of the three countries—and commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Nationwide epidemic alert to remain at Level 2 from December 14 to December 27; CECC urges public to continue following epidemic prevention and control measuresPhotos - New Southbound Policy
Enlarge Nationwide epidemic alert to remain at Level 2 from December 14 to December 27; CECC urges public to continue following epidemic prevention and control measures Photos

Nationwide epidemic alert to remain at Level 2 from December 14 to December 27; CECC urges public to continue following epidemic prevention and control measures

In response to the threat posed by the Omicron variant, after discussions with relevant agencies and assessments, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on December 13 that it will maintain the Level 2 epidemic alert, effective from December 14 to December 27. Related regulations and general principles remain unchanged and are listed below.

Foreign Minister Wu gives Sky News Australia interviewPhotos - New Southbound Policy
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Foreign Minister Wu gives Sky News Australia interview

The government is committed to safeguarding Taiwan’s sovereignty and democratic way of life by enhancing indigenous defense capabilities while contributing more to the international community, according to Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu.

Foreign Minister Wu gives interview to The AustralianPhotos - New Southbound Policy
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Foreign Minister Wu gives interview to The Australian

Taiwan is committed to strengthening its defensive capabilities while deepening cooperation in areas of overlapping interests with like-minded partners such as Australia, according to Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu.

Taiwan maintains top ranking in money laundering prevention

The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering’s (APG) Mutual Evaluation Committee announced at its online meeting Thursday that Taiwan has maintained its “regular follow-up” status—the APG’s most favorable category—based on our submission of the required 2021 follow-up report. This follows Taiwan’s placement in the APG’s “regular follow-up” category after the third round of mutual evaluations back in October of 2019.

Nationwide epidemic alert to remain at Level 2 from November 30 to December 13; CECC announces epidemic prevention and control measures and precautions for year-end/New Year countdown events and large-scale events and urges public to continue following related measuresPhotos - New Southbound Policy
Enlarge Nationwide epidemic alert to remain at Level 2 from November 30 to December 13; CECC announces epidemic prevention and control measures and precautions for year-end/New Year countdown events and large-scale events and urges public to continue following related measures Photos

Nationwide epidemic alert to remain at Level 2 from November 30 to December 13; CECC announces epidemic prevention and control measures and precautions for year-end/New Year countdown events and large-scale events and urges public to continue following related measures

As the pandemic has continued to subside and the situation is under control in Taiwan, after discussions with relevant agencies and assessments, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on November 30 that it will maintain the Level 2 epidemic alert, effective from November 30 to December 13. Details about adjustments to related regulations and general principles are listed below.

MOFA thanks allies, like-minded partners for backing Taiwan’s Interpol bidPhotos - New Southbound Policy
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MOFA thanks allies, like-minded partners for backing Taiwan’s Interpol bid

The backing of allies and like-minded partners for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in Interpol is sincerely appreciated by the government and people, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nov. 26.

Taiwan gears up for 2021 Open Parliament Forum

2021 Open Parliament Forum gets underway Dec. 2 in Taipei City, underscoring the commitment of the government to expanding resilient partnership with members of the democratic world, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Nov. 24.

MOFA spotlights Taiwan’s successful UNFCCC campaignPhotos - New Southbound Policy
Enlarge MOFA spotlights Taiwan’s successful UNFCCC campaign Photos

MOFA spotlights Taiwan’s successful UNFCCC campaign

Taiwan’s bid for meaningful participation in the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change showcased the country’s commitment to achieving zero emissions by 2050 and garnered widespread support from the local public and private sectors, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Nov. 18.