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Women’s digital inclusion promoted at APEC meeting by Taiwan

Taichung and Nantou Digital Opportunity Center Project Director Shih Chun (bottom right) shares Taiwan’s achievements in advancing women’s digital inclusion with other member economies during the APEC Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy virtual meeting May 26. (Courtesy of MOE)

Taichung and Nantou Digital Opportunity Center Project Director Shih Chun (bottom right) shares Taiwan’s achievements in advancing women’s digital inclusion with other member economies during the APEC Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy virtual meeting May 26. (Courtesy of MOE)

Taiwan shared digital inclusion policies at the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy virtual, spotlighting the government's commitment to promoting innovative, inclusive and sustainable growth across the region.

The meeting brought together representatives from 21 member economies May 25 to 27 to discuss best practices for incorporating women into the post-pandemic economic recovery via access to information and communication technologies.

Taiwan has been implementing policies to bridge the urban-rural digital divide and achieve digital equality since 2005, said Shih Chun, project director at Taichung City and Nantou County’s Digital Opportunity Center in central Taiwan, who represented the country at the event.

The Ministry of Education has set up DOCs to accelerate the adoption of ICT applications among rural populations through training sessions and on-site counseling, Shih said. The centers host women-specific information technology classes, boosting attendees’ technical capabilities and empowering them to participate in the digital economy, he added.

Since joining APEC in 1991, Taiwan has made substantial contributions spanning areas such as disaster prevention, food security, information communication technology, small and medium enterprise development, and women’s economic empowerment. (DL-E)