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DG Fan gave her remarks at Investment NSW’s webinar on introducing Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry

Investment NSW’s webinar on introducing Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry

Our DG Fiona Fan was honoured to be invited to give her remarks alongside Director Anton Helmke of Investment NSW, Director Nadia Court of S3B and Commissioner Murray Davis of Investment NSW.

President Terry Tsao, CMO of SEMI and President of SEMI Taiwan introduced the growing trend of semiconductor industry and Taiwan’s strength in IC design, chip manufacture and OSAT. Considering Australia’s advantage, material, R&D and decarbonisation are possible of areas of collaborations between Taiwan and Australia.

DG Fan welcomes the establishment of S3B, a milestone for NSW’s semiconductor development. Taiwan plays a critical role in the global tech supply chain, and we endeavour to continue to be a responsible and reliable partner for all stakeholders. TECO Sydney looks forward to working closer with the NSW government to pursue mutual interest between Taiwan and Australia.

