A suspension bridge over the river Machchhu in Morbi in India’s western state of Gujarat suddenly collapsed at around 21:00 Taipei time on October 30 during a religious celebration. To date, at least 130 people are known to have died in this tragic accident.
Early this morning, on behalf of the people and government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Minister of Foreign Affairs Jaushieh Joseph Wu extended sincere condolences to the families of victims and the people and government of India through Director General Gourangalal Das of the India-Taipei Association. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also asked the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India (TECC) to express condolences to the government of India. Director General Das thanked the government and people of Taiwan for their concern.
According to information currently available to the TECC, no Taiwanese tourists, students, or expatriates have been identified among the dead or injured. In case of urgent need of assistance, Taiwanese nationals in India can call the TECC’s emergency hotline at +91-981-050-2610 (or 0981-050-2610 if calling within India). (E)