Director General Sun (left) and Executive Director Sta Maria (right) sign an MOU in Peru regarding Taiwan’s APEC donation.
Taiwan is donating US$1 million this year to assist with capacity building for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) members and to bolster APEC research capabilities. The contribution will be allocated to the Human Security Sub Fund, the Digital Innovation Sub Fund, the Women and the Economy Sub Fund, and the Policy Support Unit. A memorandum of understanding regarding the donation was signed in Lima, Peru, on November 9 by APEC Senior Official for Taiwan Jonathan C. Y. Sun, Director General of the Department of International Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat Rebecca Sta Maria.
The APEC Secretariat issued a press release on November 27 expressing appreciation for Taiwan’s donation, which Executive Director Sta Maria said would strengthen related policy development and implementation and benefit all member economies.
Since becoming an official APEC member in 1991, Taiwan has actively participated in a variety of meetings and activities, earning widespread recognition. In addition, relevant ministries and agencies have proposed projects and applied for APEC funding, raising Taiwan’s visibility and enhancing its influence in the organization. Taiwan received a total of US$1.8 million in APEC funding this year and will continue to leverage APEC to boost interactions and exchanges with other members and make constructive contributions to regional development. (E)
Related Link(s)
► Chinese Taipei’s Contribution Accelerates APEC’s Path to Inclusive and Sustainable Growth