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Youth program boosts New Southbound Policy agricultural ties


The Young Agricultural Ambassadors New Southbound Policy Exchange Program is sending its first groups of 18- to 35-year-olds to Indonesia and the Philippines in September. (MOFA)


The Young Agricultural Ambassadors New Southbound Policy Exchange Program was launched June 20 in Taipei City as part of government efforts boosting cooperation in agriculture and talent exchanges between Taiwan and the countries covered by the policy.


Organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cabinet-level Council of Agriculture, the first stage of the program involves sending two 15-member groups of 18- to 35-year-olds to Indonesia and the Philippines in September for a weeklong visit. During their time in country, the groups will observe Taiwan-backed cooperation projects, similar internationally overseen initiatives and meet with officials responsible for agriculture and related activities.


In addition, the groups will exchange ideas with academics, agricultural economic experts, young entrepreneurs and members of the Taiwan expatriate community. They will also conduct fact-finding visits to agricultural supply chain firms and observe halal-certification procedures.


According to the MOFA, the program aims to explore market opportunities, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, and strengthen connections between the young people of Taiwan and their counterparts in the countries covered by the New Southbound Policy. A key plank in the government’s national development strategy, the initiative seeks to deepen Taiwan’s links with the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states, six South Asian countries, Australia and New Zealand in agriculture, business, culture, education, tourism and trade.


Through sharing advanced agricultural technology, experiences and resources, the program will expand Taiwan’s soft power in the policy’s targeted countries, the ministry said, adding that it also paves the way for further collaboration, exchanges and a deepening of two-way ties. (KWS-E)


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