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“A massive COVID-19 outbreak among Vietnamese in Taipei City” is false internet rumor! Spreading fake news is a legal offense

Recently, a false rumor of “a massive COVID-19 outbreak among Vietnamese in Taipei City?” in Vietnamese has been circulating on the Internet, claiming that Taiwan is imposing an emergency lockdown after 250 Vietnamese people in Taiwan were infected with COVID-19. The Central Epidemic Command (CECC) points out that it is fake news, and urges the public not to spread the rumor.

COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic arrivals from Philippines to be cancelled starting from September 24; arrivals to undergo quarantine at group quarantine facility and to be tested before completing quarantine

On September 23, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced changes to the quarantine measure imposed on all travelers arriving in Taiwan from the Philippines.

Vietnamese migrant workers who overstayed their visas repatriated

A total of 289 Vietnamese migrant workers who overstayed their visas were repatriated on Monday after being stranded for months in Taiwan due to travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

CECC confirms 1 more imported COVID-19 case; Filipina found to have COVID-19 upon arrival

On September 16, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced one new confirmed imported case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Taiwan. The new case is a Filipina in her 30s (Case #500). The Filipina entered Taiwan for work from the Philippines on September 13.

Myanmar is removed from CECC’s list of medium-risk countries as its coronavirus situation continues to escalate; CECC adds Marshall Islands to list of low-risk countries

On September 16, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) reported that a cumulative total of 90,147 cases related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been reported in Taiwan among which COVID-19 has been ruled out in 89,071. Of these reported cases, infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in 500 cases.

NIA announces 3rd 30-day extension of stay for foreign visitorsPhotos - New Southbound Policy
Enlarge NIA announces 3rd 30-day extension of stay for foreign visitors Photos

NIA announces 3rd 30-day extension of stay for foreign visitors

The National Immigration Agency under the Ministry of the Interior announced Sept. 14 a third automatic 30-day extension of stay for foreign visitors who have legally remained in Taiwan for 180 days or more.

Foreign visitors to get visa extensions

Taiwan will grant a further 30-day extension of stay to foreign visitors who entered the country on or before March 21 and have no record of overstaying, the National Immigration Agency announced Monday.

CORONAVIRUS/Newborn baby of Filipina in quarantine tests negative for COVID-19

The newborn baby of a Filipina who tested positive for COVID-19 while in quarantine in Taiwan was confirmed as negative for the coronavirus disease, according to Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) spokesman Chuang Jen-hsiang (莊人祥) on Saturday.

CECC moves Vietnam to its list of low-risk countries and adds Hong Kong to medium-risk category in response to trends of coronavirus situations in these regionsPhotos - New Southbound Policy
Enlarge CECC moves Vietnam to its list of low-risk countries and adds Hong Kong to medium-risk category in response to trends of coronavirus situations in these regions Photos

CECC moves Vietnam to its list of low-risk countries and adds Hong Kong to medium-risk category in response to trends of coronavirus situations in these regions

The CECC announced the updated list of countries/regions eligible for shortened quarantine periods in Taiwan. The CECC reported that local infections in Vietnam have decreased, with only sporadic local cases over the past two weeks. Therefore, the CECC has moved Vietnam to its list of low-risk countries from the list of medium-risk countries.

CECC raises its risk level for Myanmar to medium risk as coronavirus situation in Myanmar continues to escalate

The CECC announced the updated list of countries/regions eligible for shortened quarantine periods in Taiwan. Considering that COVID-19 continues to spread in Myanmar and local cases are increasing rapidly in the country, the CECC has raised its risk level for Myanmar to medium from low risk.